Balinese Weeding Ceremony
In Balinese Hindus, the term pawiwahan is known. Based on the journal Pawiwahan Ceremony in Hinduism by Luh Sukma Ningsih, the Pawiwahan ceremony is included in the yadnya human ceremony,Pawiwahan
In Balinese Hindus, the term pawiwahan is known. Based on the journal Pawiwahan Ceremony in Hinduism by Luh Sukma Ningsih, the Pawiwahan ceremony is included in the yadnya human ceremony,Pawiwahan
Magedong-gedongan ceremony (Garbha Wedana) In an effort to maintain the safety of the baby while it is in the womb, it is necessary to take care in an abstract way,
One of the contents of wealth in Indonesia is human wealth in the form of culture. Dance is a culture that is produced from human thought and interaction. In addition
The tooth-cutting ceremony is a Hindu religious ritual in Bali. This ceremony is carried out on children who are starting to reach the age of teenagers or adults. The tooth-cutting
Ngaben is a ceremony for burning the bodies of Hindus in Bali. Ngaben ceremony is a ritual carried out to return ancestral spirits to their original place. Ngaben in Balinese