Balinese Teeth Cutting Ceremony
The tooth-cutting ceremony is a Hindu religious ritual in Bali. This ceremony is carried out on children who are starting to reach the age of teenagers or adults. The tooth-cutting ceremony is also known as Mepandes. The tooth-cutting ceremony in Bali is part of the Manusa Yadnya. This is the concept of the life cycle from the baby in the womb, birth, to marriage. Manusa Yadnya is a philosophy to humanize humans. The tooth-cutting ceremony in Bali is not without meaning. Cutting teeth means discovering human nature and getting rid of Sad Ripu. Sad Ripu are the six types of enemies of man that arise as a result of unwholesome actions.
Here are the six types of enemies:
- Kama (desire or indulgence)
- Lobha (greedy nature)
- Krodha (angry and vengeful)
- Mada (drunk)
- Moha (confused and arrogant)
- Matsarya (jealousy and envy)
If these six enemies control humans, then that person will do more bad and unrighteous things. In Hindu belief, three of the six enemies are believed to be the gates of hell. The three enemies are Kama, Krodha, and Lobha. This is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. This tooth-cutting culture is carried out as a prayer and ritual to awaken spiritual strength against the six enemies